Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Not a happy girl

Now who would've thought when I made this card I would feel exactly like she does the day I get to post it. I had such drama at my house last night with someone trying to break in and actually ripping my electric fence off in one place to climb over the wall. Thank goodness for the alarm cause that must've scared them, but I can't say I'm the happiest of people right now.

Anyhow that stuff is depressing so lets talk about my card. No Fair Girl is from Stamping Bella, and I think you all know by now that I love Stamping Bella.

I coloured her with my prismacolor pencils, blended with sansador, and cut with my craft knife, hehehe, no nestie. I did a pierced border around the card, and don't get me wrong, I really like that effect, but I really wanted to stitch it and was too lazy to go to the sewing room, lol!

That's about it, and about all I have to share today. Don't forget Bellarific Friday is twinchie Friday or a 2" square cardboard.

Bye for now


Amanda said...

Hi Meahni, love your card, but not the fact that that is how you are feeling! Isn't it just a cruel country we live in! Hope you will feel better soon!

Mandy said...

Hunny I am so sorry to hear of your unwelcome visitor, that must have really unsettled you as well as made you angry.
Your card is beautiful as always, love that image she is so cute
love and hugs Mandy xx

Sharon said...

Adorable, love it! I can relate to how you must be feeling. My folks neighbour was murdered a month ago and we are very very edgy and fear for their safety as someone (maybe the murderer) tried to break into their home this week! Tough times hey!

craftyb said...

Aw Meahni I am so sorry to hear about your drama last night...I'm sure you were so frightened and disturbed by it all.

Your card is adorable though...LOVE this lil girlie....her attitude just says it all! bx

Rene Sharp said...

OH Meahni. So very sorry to hear about your incident!! You must be feeling awful! I am thinking of you! Love your latest card, as usual your work is just lovely!

Mary J said...

Meahni, there are some realy awful people out there. I'm sorry to hear you experienced one. Luckily, there are far more lovely people out there (well, I hope so!). Here's a {{hug}}. Best, Mary xxx

Oh, btw, I love your card and I often feel like that on Monday mornings going to work!

The Spotted Chick said...

Oh Meahni, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope your weekend goes much better and you're able to rest some.
No Fair Girl is as cute as can be though, and your coloring is perfect. Love the little paper pieced flower in the corner too!


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